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food problem

23 9:34:34

I fill up my birds food bowl and i go away and come back an hour later and he has scooped all of his food on to the floor of the cage. He(a sun conure) doesn't dump the bowl over because its one of those bowls that attaches to the side of the cage and the bowl is made to keep him from doing what he does. He eats the food off the bottom of the cage instead of out of the bowl. (if you cant answer my question please help me by telling me who can) thanks so much-Ashley  

Hi Ashley,
You are describing typical parrot behaviour. Parrots have a natural instinct to forage for food. There isn't one parrot I know who doesn't enjoy rummaging through their seed cup. Sometimes they are just looking for their very favorite seeds. Some, unfortunately, do that strictly for the fun of it. It's really not a big deal, and is really typical parrot behaviour. If it's that big of a problem to you, you could try the ceramic crocks (food dishes) that are hooded. But, I'll be honest with you, Ashley, if a parrot enjoys tossing his seed around, there's really not much you can do about it. It's just part of the parrot nature. Ask me how many times a day I have to vaccuum. *laughs* He's really not doing anything wrong. Welcome to the wonderful world of (messy) parrots. *smile*
Best regards,