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Baby Lovebird

22 17:37:55

I have a peachfaced lovebird that just turned 3 months old.  I have had him since he was 6 weeks old.  The problem is, he never stops. He plays like crazy in his cage, but whenever he sees me, he wants out. I would love to have hime tag along with me while I do some things around the house, but as I said, he never stops.  When I take him out of his cage he is into everything.  He jumps in the sink, jumps on my very large dogs, and goes from one thing to another.  He wants anything that is in my hand or anyone elses.  He is not afraid of anything. He jumps on the floor and wants to stay there and bite my toes. It is like having a toddler around. I have to just sit there and never take my eyes off of him.  He plays with anything he sees and is so curious.  Will he ever slow down?  Is this normal?  I would love to have him just sit on my shoulder, but he is way too busy.

This is perfectly normal! :D

But the only way you can prevent this is to make a plan with him, choose certain times you want to take him out, make sure its the same amount of time everyday, and same time of the day, and when you are done playing with him, put him back in his cage for the rest of the time, then when it gets dark, cover his cage up with a dark blanket.

He may slow down, but this is part of having a parrot! They need at least 3-4 hours of attention a day. And when you are not watching him, just simply put him back in the cage. When he is in his cage though, just ignore him. Over time, he will slow down. OR, you can get another lovebird for him. Your choice really. Hope this helps!
