Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Birds General > i have a parrakeet

i have a parrakeet

22 17:47:03

ok i have a parrakeet that was recently given to me and her nose is red wear she breaths and is cracked and looks kinda scabby colored. do you have any idea what this might be?

Hi, Ashley,

This could mean your bird has a respiratory problem, i.e., a cold or respiratory infection of some sort.  Do you see any discharge coming from her nostrils?  Is she showing other signs of illness?

If you're sure this is a female, are you sure the color is red that you are seeing?  Could the color be dark brown?  If dark brown and crusty looking, this could mean your bird is in breeding condition (normal for female keets).

If red, your bird needs to be seen by a certified avian vet ASAP, as in tomorrow.  Your bird needs meds.

If dark brown and crusty looking, you don't have anything to worry about.  However, be VERY sure which it is because if your bird is sick and you wait too long to have her treated by a bird vet, you could lose your bird.
