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Training & Taming....

23 9:33:00

How do i train and tame my pet Budgies. I have had them for 1 year (1 albino male and 1 yellow female) and i have already tought them to come on comand.
(They dont come out of their cage)

Also interested to teach some tricks...

Thanx, Zed

Hello Zed, They are a little old to tame now and probly will never become hand-tame, young single budgies make the best pets they become hand-tame quickly and bond with you. You can try this method which has worked for me taming a young female budgie and a six month old female cocaktiel who did not live together. Take them in and get there wings clipped, after this is done there easier to control. Take them out of there cage one by one daily into a uite room such as a bed or bathroom, it helps if they can not here each other in this quite room. Sit the bird on yuor finger and talk to him, pet him also if he flutters to the ground pick him up and do it all over again, if you do this with both birds for 10/15 minutes each, each day for a 5/7 days, genraly if they are going to become tame it will happen in the time frame if theres still no inprovment by day 7 they are likely to never become tame and trusting at all.