Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Birds General > eggs in nest but no bird

eggs in nest but no bird

22 17:33:44

we have a small tree in our yard ,a bird made a nest in it and then laid 3 eggs on three different days . the eggs are small white with red or brown spots on them .my wife checks it all the time would that make the mother bird not stay on the nest.just wondering do all birds lay there eggs the same time and do they all hatch the same to?

Hi there,

Thanks for your question,

Because your wife is checking that could keep the mother away because she wants to be undisturbed. there also could be predators or the nest is in an open area. That could be why she stays away.

Birds lay 1 egg per day they do not lay them at the same time.

It is common that the hatch at the same time, but on some occasions they hatch on different days or 1 bird hatches every hour.

hope this helps and thanks for your question.