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Green Cheek Conure

22 17:47:05

Hey there. I have recently noticed that my green cheek conure has begun to shake, has fluffed up, and seems to be generally unwell.
She is supposed to be laying eggs, and passed just one last week after I put cod liver oil in her seed, seemed well for a day after, but now looks sick once again.
Going to a vet is not an option at the moment, so I thought it best to ask someone who may know a little more, and may be able to shed some light on the situation. Thanks in advance, Kim.

Hi, Kim,

Your bird needs to be seen by a certified avian vet ASAP.  She could be eggbound which, if not taken care of immediately, can result in her death.  Even if not eggbound, your bird is ill and needs the attention of a bird vet right away or you could lose her.  I don't recommend giving her the oil unless you know she is could be making things worse if you don't know what the problem is.  If she becomes eggbound, you should give her the oil by mouth immediately and then get things ready to go to the vet's office or the emergency clinic immediately.
