Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Birds General > My indian ringneck has lost his tail feathers

My indian ringneck has lost his tail feathers

22 17:41:35

My indian ringnecks wings grew back fast over christmas and unfortunately he took off from my shoulder and landed in the next door neighbours yard and got chased by the dog.  He has lost both his beautiful long tail feathers.  He is 3 years old.  Will they grow back? And will this mess with his balance? We are very distraught but he seems perfectly fine other then missing his tail.

Hi, Kimberley,

Yes, they will grow back.  Any time a feather comes out, another feather will grow back in its place (unless the feather folicle has been permanently damaged, as with a bird that is a serious feather plucker).  Lack of tail feathers may hinder your bird's ability to land properly when he flies, but it really won't hinder his balance, as far as being able to walk straight, etc.  You really need to be careful with birds taken outside.
