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peachfront conure pair

22 17:47:30

I traded a peachfront conure pair  and I cannot get them to bread. I have done evrything offered several different boxes,l moved from cage to cage, changed their diet, they do not eat calcium block cuddlestone or fresh fruits and veggies, they are on pellet diet for breeders, they are bonded and preen and cuddle constantly. I notice she has like a twisted foot like it is an old injury or something, do you think this is why they are not breeding?

Hello Pam and thank you for your post.
I am sorry that it took so long for me to answer you, but I had computer problems that are hopefully resolved now.
Assuming that they are old enough to breed, even though they are a bonded pair, your birds may not breed, which is not uncommon.
I suggest that you wait until next Spring, when breeding season starts, then try again.  In the mean time, you can keep them together.  You can even kep a nesting box set up for them, but keep in mind that they probably won't breed until next year.

Good luck and God Bless.