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egg hatched!

23 9:29:08


Baby is being fed by far so good...I'll step in if more eggs hatch and she looks to be having trouble. dad is feeding mom so she is staying with baby to keep him(don;t know why I think him) its so little and pink-lol. Thanks again for your quick and helpful responses.

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I have the budgies in 2 separate cages -i used to have 3 in one cage but the pair that have mated attacked the other female a few months ago...she looked so unhappy to be alone that we bought another budgie (male) as company for her.
The baby just hatched overnight and the female keeps tucking the baby under herself...I haven't noticed her feeding but then just saw and heard the baby this morning...don;t want to leave it too late...I'll pick up the food/fish tank today...I guess I really didn't think theeggs would hatch...I've had females that have laid lots of eggs without a male around...even the female I had to transfer to another cage started laying eggs by herself.  

Followup To

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I have 4 budgies...I am afraid to touch the baby -won't she reject the baby after my scent is on it?.... with the first batch of eggs, I used a plastic spoon to gently take them out to clean the cage and when I put them back in..the parents rejected them and broke them.

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Hello Tara,
Help - we have a baby bird that hatched and do not know what to do to keep help the mom keep it alive. She has rejected any nests etc...and kept insisting on laying the eggs on the bare cage bottom...this is the 2nd batch...and the 1st to their a forum I can got to find answers as I need them?

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Hello and congrats on the new baby, The answer is simple take over her job and handfed the little devil, Gets some handrearing formula from a locle pet shop or store and mix according to package derections. Feed every two hours around the clock to start then after 2 to 3 weeks...wait til three weeks if the baby isnt growing well or is still tiny for its age you can start to cahnge to every three hours around the clock after the baby is 4 to 4 1/2 weeks old every four outs will be fine with a longer gap overnight...say 6 hour gap, feed the baby with a small suringe....without the needle of course from yuor locle drug store or sometimes the petstores carry tehm for puppies and kittens for handrearing. Be sure to wipe the baby's face clean with a *Warm soft cloth or paper towel after each feeding and change his bedding as it is dirty...once  daily is perfect, i reccomend paper twoels as bedding of towels without any loose threads...threads can get caught around legs causing loss of the leg or death if caught around the baby's neck. Feed as much as the baby wants is a good rule of first you'll need to put the suringe in the baies corner of mouth but after a week or two he should latch onto it when placed against his sure to squeze the food into his mouth slowly never squirt it you could choke the little fella'. Some babies will eat til they pop literally once the crop is no longer saggy looking but isnt filled enough that it looks like if you touch it it could burst... an inbetween of these sizes is best.... in the begginging he will be getting fed **Every two hours so the meals can and will need to be small anwyays. Be sure to keep the baby in an old fish tank or storage tub with a heating pad or other heat source the baby must stay at the temprature that would be found in the nesting box a good idea of temps would be 80/81 F slighlty over room temp....never let it go below this you could kill him and never place the container he is in in front of a window or by a heat grate over heating dehydrates and kills. On another note after a meal you can and should a few times daily give him some warm water followinmg his meal with the suringe. You can place a tiny stuffed animal in with him for him to cuddle against I did this with my baby budgies(raised from day one but they had each other to cuddle with) again be sure the toy contains no loose threading. Be sure the contaienr either has a lid or sucure cover or No other pets cang et near him a friendly family cat or dog could easily see the little pink critter crying for food and eat him or in case of some dogs prode it and try to play with him. Good luck with yuor new little birdy if you need anything else feel free to ask

p.s what type of bird is he?

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Yes it is about 85% chance of her rejecting or killing the baby if you touch it but I have handfed babies while leaving them in there nest before without the mother geting too too mad at me because the one baby was smaller and not being fed well always crying I supplmented his diet twice daily with ahndfeeding and he lived just fine. Wasn't the problem she was not taking care of him? The baby has a very very high chance of dieing in the cold cage floor I'd handfed him I have had eggs hatch on teh cage floor before but *All the babies died. If you have all foru birds in the one cage if she leaves the baby even for a few minutes the other hen if there is one will likely kill the baby strange males have been know to do this too. Leaving the baby to eat or whatever will chill the baby offen fataly. it is your choce to handfeed him and have him live or leave him on the floor and hope he lives.

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I wish you luck with the handfeeding I persoanlly have *Never had any abbay budgies die through handfeeding i hgave sucsessfully handraised two from day one and 3 from 3/5 weeks.

You are very welcome and i am gald to hear he is doing well, Another tip would be to be sure the room where they are kept is kept fairly warm and there aren't any cold bursts of winds from doors orwindow. After the baby starts to get pin feathers he will be less vunrable and should be considered to live at this point. They are so cute and funny looknig at this age lol its been a really while since I saw baby birds in person just out of the nest.