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Raising blind baby finch

23 9:29:07

Is it possible to raise a juvenile blind finch?  This bird has nearly fledged but cannot see to find food. Any suggestions?  I know its chances are very slim, but I feel I must try.

Hello Tami and thank you for your question.

I have never run across a blind bird before, but I would imagine that it could be done with a lot of care and time.  
First, you'd have to know how to hand feed a finch.  It would take a lot of time out of your day, as finches eat several times a day, then get him used to where his food dish is.  The only way that I can think of is by repitition.  Always make sure that you do not change the size or location of his dishes, as this may confuse him.

That is the best suggestion that I can come up with.  I am sorry that I couldn't be of more help.

Good luck with your endevour, and God Bless.