Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Birds General > Can a parakeet and a Canary be in the same cage?

Can a parakeet and a Canary be in the same cage?

23 9:31:10

My New Zealand wife had birds as a child...and now that we are retired wants to have a bird or two..
Can these two species be in the same cage and if so what are Positive and Negative aspects?
Thanks, Ken Meyer, MSgt USAF Ret.  

It is not recommended to house a budgie (aka: parakeet) and a canary together. Mainly- because they eat different things. softbill birds like canaries and finches usually do well on a base diet of seeds- supplemented with fruits and veggies and other healthy, bird-safe people foods like whole wheat bread or scrambled eggs. However, hookbills (parrots, like budgies) should never be offered unlimited amounts of seed. And the seeds that they do eat are usually different types/mixtures. You can read more about appropriate diets (for parrots) here:

I hope this helps. In addition to diet- they might be more likely to argue (especially if it is a male canary or a female budgie- both of these tend to be more prone to being dominate and assertive).
