Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Birds General > Female parakeet throwing gravel out of dish.

Female parakeet throwing gravel out of dish.

23 9:30:22

I have 3 parakeets.  One male and two female.  One of the female bird is emptying their gravel dish.  She has done this 3 times in the past 2 days.  I have never owned birds before, so I am at a lost as to why she is doing this.

I can't tell you why your bird might be pushing all of her grit out of her dish, but parakeets do not need grit, so it is ok! :)

Here is a copy of information on what *not* to buy at pet stores (from the website: all articles are written by avian vets-):

"What Not to Buy, or, 'Pet Store Perils'

Unfortunately, there is no regulatory agency overseeing products sold for pet birds. As a consequence, there are a number of items commonly sold in pet stores that can be harmful to your bird. We often see problems associated with sandpaper perches, grit, walnut shell or corncob bedding, and mite protectors. Sandpaper perch covers wear the skin off the bottom of birds' feet and create painful sores. Grit is unnecessary for parrots and can cause digestive problems. Mite protectors release toxins into your bird's environment and (despite their name) are ineffective against mites. Walnut shell and corncob bedding can grow bacteria and fungi that make your bird sick. When in doubt, ask your veterinarian before you purchase a new item."

I hope htis helps.
