Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Birds General > Cockatiel with a peeling lower beak

Cockatiel with a peeling lower beak

22 17:49:39

My cockatiel is 20+years old. His lower beak is peeling and
is notched out where the upper beak meets. He is unable to
crack seeds. The lower beak looks like it is deteriorating.
He is eating hulled millet I bought at a health food store
and finch seed. What else can I do? Will the beak ever be
normal again? Lorraine

Cockatiel beaks do flake or peel on occasion and this is normal.(kind of like shedding)
Excessive peeling or any deviation (like not being able to eat)or abnormality of the beak may be an indication of health problems and should be referred to your avian vet immediately.

In the meantime provide fresh water and what ever seeds or softfoods it can eat until you get it there.

Hope everything turns out ok,
