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Parakeet Vomiting Seeds

23 9:28:53

My parakeet is just over 1 year old.  He (very blue cere) has suddenly started Vomiting seeds, only in one place on a perch.  He can spit up about as much in size as a large green grape in a day. Otherwise he seems fine, eats ok, his droppings look ok.  Is he ok? Should we limit his seed intake in some way? Sometimes he looks like he's chewing gum also.  What do you think?

Hi, Cheryl.  Thanks for posting!

Usually when a bird vomits seed, there's some type of health problem.  Does the bird do this when with you and/or when he can see/hear you?  If so, he might be regurgitating out of affection for you.  This is a bird's way of showing how much they love you.  However, if the bird is doing this when he's alone in his cage, there could be a problem.  Birds hide signs of illness until they can't hide these signs any longer.  By the time we notice these signs, it's usually too late to do anything about it and the bird may/may not survive.  I recommend taking your keet to an avian veterinarian for a medical evaluation ASAP.  Not a cat/dog vet, but an exotic animal vet.
