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Wanting to keep a wet baby dove dry and warm

22 17:47:57

Hi there Diana,

We're in Fiji and have rescued a baby dove and have been hand feeding/rearing for the past week.  This morning unfortunately it flew up into a tree where it spent it spent about 5 hours in the rain and wind (it's parents did come around and actually fed it while in the tree).  We have managed to finally get it down but it is cold and wet.  Do you have any advice on keeping it warm?  Thanks.

Hello Sanya and thank you for your post.
You can try putting the dove into a box lined with a soft towel and a lamp with a low watt light bulb over the top, just enough to get some heat into the box, but if the parents are taking care of the baby, then just let them do so unless you see them trying to injur or kill the baby.
Doves are hardy birds and can withstand the elements pretty well.  
If you are going to keep the dove as a pet (they are easily tamed), then you will need to get a cage for it, along with all of the other things for birds.  If you are not going to keep it, then it can go back outside if the weather permits.

Good luck and God Bless.