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cockateil bird/birds

22 17:46:31

Hi! I have had my cockatiel for about yards. I feed her every other day, at least check her water and food. Well this evening, when i checked on her, i had noticed something in the bottom of the cage that looked like a ball. As i looked closer, i had to take a second look, but it was an egg. I have never gotten her a mate, and she didn't even have one when i took her over for a friend. As far as i know, she has never done this before. If so, i was not notified of it. What does this mean? I know that the egg is not fertile, but what will she do to it? Should i remove the egg? Please Help!!! Thank You.. Stacey in MI.

Hello Stacey,

Birds do not need a mate to lay an egg. Leave it with her until she looses interest.

I would like to address a couple of statements you made regarding the care of your bird. Providing basic care for parrots is essential for their health and well being. Basic care would be providing fresh food and water every day. Washing the food and water bowls every day. And cleaning the cage, every day. Currently your bird's basic needs are not being met and that leaves me concerned for her health. If you are also feeding her a nutritionally poor diet of all seeds then she needs to be seen by an avian veterinarian immediately. A bird on an all seed diet will have health problems, and with egg laying she may become egg bound - a deadly condition without treatment. Since she is not living in a clean environment her chances of have a yeast, fungal, or bacterial infection are greatly increased. Please make that appointment now.

I encourage you to learn all you can about parrot care so that you can provide for the basic needs of your bird as a responsible pet owner.

A good book to get you started is The Companion Parrot Handbook by Sally Blanchard. In addition my website has links to many excellent resources.
