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Teaching my bird to talk

22 17:49:49

I recently purchased a 1 year old female eclectus.  She knows how to say a few words and I was wondering how difficult it would be to teach her more.  I have read that it is nearly impossible to teach birds to speak if they are over a year old, but I have also read that eclectus parrots are excellent talkers.  If you could help me out I would really appreciate it. Thanks, Mandy

Hi Mandy,

I have had many people say they have read the same information as you - that birds stop learning to mimic at a certain age. I don't know where this information comes from as it is ridiculous. Unless something is preventing your bird from learning such as poor health there is no reason for a bird to stop learning new behaviors including mimicry, no matter the age. My own 50+ year old amazon is still picking up new sounds.

As for what your bird chooses to mimic is her choice. She may enjoy whistles, door bells, or the human voice. Just keep saying new words that you'd like to hear. When she repeats them give her lots of praise, head scritches, or treats. Parrots love attention, if she learns something gets her that attention she will repeat it.

Things to keep in mind are that it will be her choice what to mimic and that she may quietly practice to herself before showing off to you.

Enjoy your new pet!
