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Handfeeding redrump babies

23 9:32:14

How long should we wait until we start feeding the babies after they hatch, is it 24hrs?  Let us know please as we have had our first one hatch tonight.  Thanks!
Bobby and Kris

Hi, Bobby and Kris.  Thanks for posting.

Did you incubate the eggs or are there parent birds available?  If parent birds are available, you can let the babies stay with the parents for feeding until about 8-10 days of age, then pull the babies for handfeeding.  If you incubated them, their egg sack will nourish them for the first 24 hours.  Then you will need to handfeed them every couple hours (whenever their crops are empty) 24 hours per day (even during the night) until they are about 5-7 days old.  After about 7 days of age, you don't have to feed them during the nighttime any longer, but should handfeed them at least 4 times per day (morning, noon, evening, bedtime).
