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my budgie....?

22 17:39:31

why is my budgie growing crusty lumps around his eyes and feet and he is losing his nails why? and wot can i do about it?
plzz help im worried because my last bird just  recently died and he had the same problem and i dont no if tht caused his death plzz help

It sounds like an infestation of scaly mites, and he really needs to go to an avian vet.  

Scaly face is a term used for an infestation of burrowing or scaly face mites (Knemidokoptes pilae).  Like scaly leg mites, they are invisible to the naked eye. Unlike scaly leg mites, however, Knemidokoptes pilae affect not only the legs but also the beak, the eyes and the area around the vent. In budgerigars, Knemidokoptes pilae affects chiefly the beak. In most cases, an infestation originates there and spreads to the legs and the area around the vent later on.

In the early stages, they have the appearance of a bright white deposit that becomes thicker and crustier over time. The upper mandible becomes increasingly cavernous since the burrowing mites dig subtle tunnels (paths). If the skin around the eyes, on the legs or around the vent is also affected, this is accompanied by strong itching. The bird appears restless and is scratching itself perpetually.

If the infestation progresses untreated, serious complications usually occur that are not only extremely painful for the affected bird but often result in its death! In especially serious cases, the mites punctuate the beak so intensely that it ultimately falls off and the bird either has to starve or suffers such an immense blood loss that it dies. It would thus be grossly negligent to not consult a veterinarian if an infestation with burrowing mites is suspected!

Thanks to Birds-Online for this information.

Good luck,
