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found injured waxwing

22 18:00:32

Hi, while walking this evening, I spotted a grounded cedar waxwing with an injured wing. The wing was bleeding, and likely broken. I was able to corner him and brought him home, where I've put him in a birdcage. He's calmer now, and I've set the birdcage outside because it's more familiar out there for him. I've put a piece of apple and orange in the cage bars, but beyond that I have no idea how to help him. Can you suggest anything? I'd appreciate any ideas you have.  

Hi, Kathleen.  Thanks for posting!

You should be commended for helping this bird.

If the wing is broken, only an avian veterinarian can help.  It might be too late though.  I believe wing breaks need to be fixed within a certain amount of time, particularly if there is bleeding involved.  With the bleeding, could be chance for infection to set in if not treated properly.  Otherwise, the bird will be handicapped the rest of it's life.  You probably should contact a wildlife rehabilitator for more advice on how to care for this bird.

This type of bird eats fruit, so s/he'll need berries and other types of fruits.  Plenty of water, too.  Keep s/he warm until you can contact a rehabilitator or avian vet.  The wing needs medical attention ASAP.
