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Recently rescued cockatiel - Australia

22 17:39:00


I have just read one of your answers to a question from Lorraine (who also rescued a cockatiel). I found mine 6 months ago and was badly injured by wild birds. I decided to keep it after posting numerous adds and contacting the local vets and shelters, I was hoping to find its owner but was not successful. I now have a new friend and to my surprise he talks and whistles. It was missing the crest and some of his feathers on his back. It looked shocking when I found it. Jerry has now fully recovered and the crest and feathers have grown back. Im trying to get him more tame, when out of the cage he flies around and lets me kiss his head and get my face real close and is gentle. When I try get my hand near, he hisses and bites, not surprising given his ordeal. Any suggestions on what I could do to have him sit on my hand and gain my trust? he does sometimes fly to my shoulder but rarely. He also has the dandruff problem, thank you, I read this on your answer to Lorraine and makes sense its from the new feathers growing back. I am so happy I found him, cockatiels are so beautiful and smart. I really like this website, thank you so much for the opportunity to ask you a question.



You are doing such a wonderful job!  I think that, after what your new cockatiel went through, he is being extremely friendly.  You just need to keep trying with him and I think, with time and patience, you will succeed!  You might want to read some tips from the North American Society Frequently Asked Question pages.  Here's one on a cockatiel that was scared of hands, which you might identify with:

Good luck!
