Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Birds General > my quaker wont stop shouting?

my quaker wont stop shouting?

22 17:49:51

i bought my bird just over a year ago when he was just a few months old and wouldn't want to live wiv out him now, he is so loving of course as U know wiv these birds it's when he chooses! he does makes us laugh when he copies usand always wants to fallow me around everywhere! the problem is i do work and since I'd say 4/5months he has started shouting alot and is very high! he is in my bedroom sohe shouts for the covers off then if i go to sleep he shouts till i am facing him and awake! or if i leave him it can get a bit much if i do leave him i will leave the TV on but when i leave he goes mental and my family say when i do go he quitens down but when i am there he gets so loud! it can get a bit much on the ears? please help what should i do? also when he is learning words which again says them when he decides to but is getting really good at them! he seems to bite his wing whilst he talks he seems to go a bit mad!!!!! not always but some times? also he doesnt seem to like men he bites them and hisses at them why is that? thankyou
helen x  

Hello HElen.  Thank you for posting.
Your Quaker loves you, and you need yo spend more time with him.
When he does yell and sxream, try ingnoring him.  If you give him arrention while he's screaming, this just reinforces his way of thinking.  It is a negative reinforcement.  Pay attention to him when he's quiet.  That will make a positive reinforcement, and he will leran to not scream as much.
All birds do need to scream sometimes, though.  Yes, it does get annoying, but this is their way of calling to their flock and communicating.
Quakers are very smart, and they do mimic what is said, and they do catch onto words and phrases quickly.  Tey teaching him some songs.  He'll catch onto them quickly, and he'll start singing.
If the screaming really gets to be too much, you can try putting him in a room where you can't hear him, or try using earplugs.  That is about all you can do until he is taught that when he screams he's not going to get the attention.

Right now is breeding season for him, so he's probably hormonal. which also xauses him to scream.  You're his mate.  That's why he wwants the attention from you and you alone.  He will not let anybody else around him because he has picked YOU, and he will not put up with anybody else.

Good luck and God Bless.