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My male budgie

22 17:47:08

Hey Chrys,
I have a pure white lacewing male budgie who is absoloutley beautiful, butlately i have noticed that he sleeps alot and fluffs up. He is in an aviary with about 18 other budgies and the rest don't act like him. He is an english budgie and he has got ALOT of pooo stuck on the surrounding feathers of his vent. He eats everything i provide in the aviary, he is definitley not on an all seed diet. I give my budgie vegetables like carrots, celery,and sprouted seed and even bird seed that has sprouted a little(grass) and even millet. Please help me find out what's wrong with my budgie. He stands firmly on the perch and he isn't paired up at the moment. His female partner died because they had raised so many babies and do english budgies have a high fertility rate? Like because english budgies are so huge , when mating wouldn't like half the sperm get stuck on the female budgie's feathers around her vent?
Thank you in advance
Cheers Frank

Hi, Frank,

This bird is ill.  It has some type of bacterial infection, digestive or intestinal bacterial problem.  You need to get this bird to a certified avian vet for a medical examination ASAP.  Do not hesitate.  No, this is not sperm stuck on the feathers around the vent.  This is a sign of illness.
