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my sick budgie

23 9:31:19

i currently have 2 cockatiels 1 man 1 female and a male budgie and a female budgie this morning i woke up silents my male budgie Harry usually sings his little heart out on a morning.. i went to the cage to see what was the problem and his was huddled up in a corner on the bottem of the cage with his head curled under his wing it took me some time to wake him, i was able to reach in and pick him up some thing he would not normally accept.. i've watch him through out today and he is not using his wings he is cawling up the cage slowly but losing his balance on the perches and falling to the floor his head is hung too.. i am quite worried as Harry is such a sweet little guy

Your bird needs to see an avian vet ASAP. There is nothing anyone can do for your bird over internet, like you said in your subject line... he is sick. So he needs to see a vet immidiately.

If you don't know of any vets that specialize with birds, you can try to locate one near you on these websites (otherwise just call around to different vet hospitals and ask):


Good Luck. I hope he pulls through. I would also recommend vet visits for your other birds if they are kept in the same room as Harry (or if you ever handle Harry and then go to handle your other birds or their things). Make sure you do quarantine them from Harry now though, if you haven't already. You can read about proper quarantine here:
