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Budgies and Handraised Birds..

22 17:46:39

Hello Jennifer.
I have 2 little budgies. They aren't a male/female pair but they get along just great. I got them as a present last Christmas. They seem to have bonded in their own way and look happy and healthy. I wanted to try to bond with them but I read, and later found out, that it's hard to bond with a bird that already has another bird companion. So I was wondering what it would be like to have another handraised budgie or other small bird for the purpose of having a companion. Do you think it would get too lonely all by itself or see the other birds and want to be with them anyways? Do you have any experience with handraised babies? I'd just like to know what I'm getting into before I go that far. Any help would be appreciated. :)

Hello Jamie,

I am sorry that you have been given misinformation. The idea that you cannot form a relationship with your birds just because there are two of them is ridiculous. Unless you have set them up in a breeding situation then there is no reason not to develop a relationship with each of them. Understand that birds are wild animals that come with all of their wild instincts and behaviors. It's up to us humans to teach them how the interact with us. If you want to develop this relationship then you can do this with training. I recommend that you not add another bird to your flock until you are more experience in parrot behavior and training as with each bird you will need to make a commitment to developing that relationship.

Here is a past answer of mine explaining the training techniques.

Here is an article to get you started on your research for adding another flock member. I believe you are in the research phase and should read an abundance of quality reputable information before making that decision.

In addition my website has links to good parrot websites to help you.
