Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Birds General > Moving


23 9:33:12

I am moving very soon from California to New Mexico and I wan to take my cockatiles.  I read the advice you gave the lady about moving 2 hours away, what about 17hours?  Help I am afraid it might harm them.  Am I doing right by them to move them?HELP?

Hi, Katie.  Thanks for posting your question.

Your tiels should be OK as long as you ensure they have enough air circulation, get enough water during the trip, are fed, and can sleep if they need to, especially if you plan on driving straight through.  If you plan to stop for a night or 2 along the way, be sure to take them in the motel room with you for the night so they can relax, etc.

If possible, keep them in their cage or pet taxi/carrier (if using taxi/carrier, insert a perch through the openings in the sides so they can perch) in the vehicle with you (versus inside the moving van).  Put a seat belt around the cage/carrier for their safety.  It will probably be hot, so ensure they get enough air circulation via partially open windows (or better yet, with the vehicle air conditioning).  If they are used to drinking from a water bottle, attach one to the cage/carrier so they can drink at will.  Otherwise, be sure you offer them water when you stop and/or keep a water cup in the cage if possible.  A lot of birds won't eat while in a moving vehicle, so it would be important for you to allow them to feed when you stop for the night and/or when you stop for a break (you might need to stay a bit longer than normal when you just stop for a break to allow them ample time to eat).  Take some of their favorite treats, since they will most likely eat those more readily.  

I'm sure they will be OK during your move if you take the proper precautions.  They'll be a bit stressed out, but should recover quickly.  Be sure you don't open their cage/carrier in the vehicle UNLESS all the doors/windows are closed or you could lose your bird(s)!
