Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Birds General > African Grey

African Grey

22 17:46:34

our bird is having seizures mostly on the left side. Is it possible for her to have a stroke? Is it normal for them to regregitate? COuld lay an egg? We are very nevous and it is late so the vets is closed

Hi, Jessica,

Yes, it is possible for your bird to have had a stroke.  It is not normal for them to regurgitate UNLESS they have a mate and are pair-bonded with this mate (regurgitation is a sign of affection to the mate) or are regurgitating to the human they are bonded to (also a sign of affection to the human).  Any other regurgitation is usually a sign that something is wrong.  Yes, a single female can lay infertile eggs.  

You need to get this bird to a certified avian vet (not a cat/dog vet) ASAP or an emergency animal clinic (if the vets there have avian knowledge).  Seizures indicate something is very wrong.
