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parakeet health problem

23 9:30:53

Hi, Maggie.  I have two keets, 1 female American Parakeet and 1 male English Budgie, both healthy and happy for the past two years. This morning, I noticed that the male's right eye looks very odd: scaly skin all around the eye, which looks swollen partly shut. He's rubbing it on the cage bars and edges of food dishes, so I guess it must itch. He's eating well, but he's gone down on the floor of the cage twice this morning, which he never does.

I can't contact an avian vet because there's only one within 40 miles, and they're closed for the holidays. Is he seriously ill? What's the matter with his eye?

Hope you have an answer..., and thanks,

Hi Kathryn,

It sounds like he might have scaly mites. It isn't something that is deadly unless it goes untreated. I would try to get the earliest appointment possible. I do NOT recommend using the over the counter medications/remedies for mites that they sell at pet stores. These can often cause more harm than good... plus, since I can't see your bird, I can't say for sure that it is mites. But, that is my best guess from your description.

I hope this helps.
