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New Conure

23 9:30:52

Here there I just bought a green cheeked conure from Petco, but they didn't have any paperwork on him because he was a store transfer. He has a band around his leg though, how do I look up the information on him? Also he has recently started to bite my toes and fingers. He didn't do that the first couple of days, how do I get him to stop? Thank you for your help.


Unfortunately there is no way to look up his information (other than to ask Petco to call their vender and ask the vender). There is no universal banding system, breeders band the birds for their own reference (so that they can keep track of which chicks were sold to where... especially if they produce as many chicks and venders do for chain stores like Petco).

The conure is probably starting to feel more comfortable, so his true green-cheek "colors" are coming through. Conures (particularlly green-cheeks) are prone to being nippy birds if not raised and socialized correctly. And sadly, in pet store situations, birds rarely (if ever) get the early training they need. However, you can start working with your bird now to help get him past this. Here are some tips on dealing with biting and aggression in companion parrots:

Here is also a great article on basic bird care that should be helpful for you:

I hope this all helps.
