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Im worried about my cockateil

23 9:30:52

I have two things that seem to be wrong with my beloved Kiwi.
1. She refuses to eat anything but veggies and her seeds. The pet people say she needs the other food for all her nutrients but she refuses to eat it. She adores veggies though.
What can I do so she isn't malnurished?

2. She was bought last Wensday and is not used to being out of her cage. She sleeps during the day, but only on me, and I don;t know if she sleeps at night. We do have the air conditioning going steady because of the heat. I have a heat lamp on her cage and make sure the cold air doesn't go on her cage, and at night I cover her cage up.
Should I be taking Kiwi to the vet or is she simply just adjusting to my house?


If your bird sleeps for extended periods during the day, I would take her to an avian vet asap. Healthy birds usually never sleep during the day (or only take very, very short "cat" naps).

If you have only had her a week, I would expect her to get more tame as you work with her. She might also be more open to other healthy (bird-safe) people foods and pellets if you continue to offer them to her. However, if she likes veggies, this is very good. Just pick nutritious veggies like kale, dandelions, mustard greens, squash, broccoli, etc. You can also try carrots, mangos, and many more fruits/veggies to try and catch her interest. Avoid veggies that have high water content like more lettuce (although, romanie is usually ok), celery, etc.

If you take her in to the vet, you can also ask the avian vet about her diet as well.

You can search for an avian vet near you at these websites:


I hope this helps.
