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budgie sick?

23 9:30:45

Thank you for the advice. My parakeet has laid two eggs and then stopped. Will her droppings go back to normal once she stopped laying eggs? Also, about how many times a year does she lay eggs?

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Question -
Recently my budgie's dropping has changed from dy to more wet. its like a "puddle" when she goes. At first i though it was diarrhoea but a few days later, she laid an egg and i found out its ok to have her droppings like that when it was laying the egg.
The days after she laid her infertile egg, her droppings got a little better but today, her droppings was mostly white with a hint of green. She is eating an being active. I don't know if its anything wrong.
Her vent is clean and everything but i did change her food a little. I got her some egg-biscuits because someone told me she needed more calcium. Maybe thats the problem?

Answer -
Hi, Sandy.  Thanks for posting.

This could be the problem, as any change to a bird's diet can upset their tummies.  Is she continuing to lay eggs?  Usually, budgie's lay an egg every other day until they have a full clutch of about 6 eggs.  This could be what's going on.  If your budgie needs more calcium, you should provide a cuttlebone.

Dropping color (other than the white part) is normally related to what the bird has eaten most recently.  In other words, if she's eating green pelleted food, her droppings will be green, if eating red pelleted food, droppings could be red, and so on.  

I really don't have enough information to state whether something is amiss with your budgie.  Sounds like things are normal, but I don't know this for sure based on the information presented.  You know your bird better than anyone else does...if you think she could be ill, you might want to consider taking her to an avian vet for an evaluation.  Parrots rarely get real diarrhea unless they are very ill.  Runny droppings, yes, sometimes, but not diarrhea.  Runny droppings can occur when they just have stomach upset, feeling a bit under the weather for a day or so, etc., so this doesn't really concern me if her behavior otherwise is normal, particularly if she's laying eggs.  Now, egg laying can take a lot out of a bird, so keep a close eye on how she's behaving and if you have any doubts, it never hurts to get an avian vet's opinion, just to be safe.


Hi again, Sandy.

I don't know if your keets droppings will go back to normal because I don't know if your keet is ill or just has loose droppings because of laying eggs or something else is going on.  I don't know if loose droppings can be the result of laying eggs because I've never noticed loose droppings in any of my parrots when they were laying eggs in the 17+ years that I've bred parrots...doesn't mean it can't be so, just that I've not experienced this in my dealings with parrots.  The only time I've seen loose droppings in my parrots is when they were a bit under the weather or really ill.  Since I don't know your keet and can't see what's going on first hand, and without additional details, I can't predict what's going on with your keet.  

The number of times your keet can lay eggs each year depends on how many times you allow her to lay (you can control this to a certain extent), whether she hatches out any offspring (additinal egg laying will be delayed until offspring reach a certain age), whether eggs are viable or not, how you handle unviable egg laying (removing infertile eggs right away or allowing her to sit them until she abandons them), etc.  Many variables involved here.

The more details you can provide about the situation, the better I can help you.  
