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3rd go around laying eggs

22 17:50:45

I have a single bird that is almost 1 1/2 yrs old and is in egg laying mode.  She laid 4 eggs in October, 2 in November and is currently sitting on 3 eggs and possibly more will come.  I have been told in the past to let the bird sit on the eggs until she is ready to get up and then I can take them away which is acceptable to me as I don't want to give her a reason to throw a fit.  However, although Soike is on a very healthy diet I'm concerned about all this egg laying.  Also this time she sleeps up high on her mirror and after breakfast sits on the eggs for the rest of the day which she didn't do in the past.

Please advise any thoughts.     Thanks

Hi Lezlie,

Yes, let your bird keep her eggs until she looses interest (usually within 3 weeks -the natural hatching time of fertile eggs). By removing the eggs, it will signal to her to re-lay (since normally in the wild there is a very limited period for birds to lay eggs and raise young). Unfortunately, in captivity, especially in indoor environments, it seems like ideal breeding season all year round (long days- since we leave the lights on-, plenty of food, safe environment, etc.).

However, there are some tricks you can use to make her think it is winter- and thus, not a good time to be raising eggs. Here is an article that will help you with your bird:

Good Luck, and hopefully these tips will work. :)
