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How do know if your female parkeet is pregnant?

23 9:30:02


I have a bird named buddy I had her for 3 years and she had one egg is she going to have any more? plese write me back.

Hi, Jennelia.  Thanks for posting.

I can't say for sure, but I suspect she probably will lay more...perhaps up to 6 eggs total.  Usually, when a female starts laying eggs, she doesn't stop until she has a full clutch.  Does she have a mate?  If not, any eggs she lays will not be fertile.  There is no way to tell visually if your keet will lay more eggs.

I recommend you leave any eggs right where they are laid until the female abandons them on her own or they hatch (or not, depending if they are fertile or not).  If you remove them as they are laid, the female will continue to lay and lay and lay until she has 6 eggs under her.  Once she abandons any infertile eggs on her own, you can destroy the eggs.

Come back if you have questions.
