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Cockatiel will not come out of cage

22 17:38:09

Two weeks ago, I took over the care of a cockatiel that a lady can no longer care for.  She says it is a male.  For some reason it won't come out of it's cage.  I have finally gotten it to eat some spray millet from my hand but it will not let me touch it.  It pecks at my hand but I don't pull away as I don't want him to feel like he is the boss.  It isn't a hard peck.  I talk with him several times a day and whistle to him ( usually ten minutes at a time).  Also, he doesn't play with  his toys are sing very much.  Very quiet bird.  Is this just adjustment issues or what.  I really want to be his friend.  Please help!!

From what it sounds like, your bird is just scared. Pretend you were moved to a different house, and lived with different people that you never met...I'm sure you would be a little worried. ;)

Make your bird feel at home, make sure his cage is always clean, he always has fresh water, and cockatiel seeds in his cage, and allow him to first get use to YOU walking around the house normally, before you go in the cage, and force yourself on him. To help improve this, I would take him to a vet and clip his wings. (If they are not already.) Just be calm and quiet with him, don't be loud. It will take a lot of time for him to trust you. Let him come to you! Make sure to also leave small treats for him, like apples, bananas, lettuce, or cheese!

Hope this helps,
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