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determining cockatiels gender

22 17:38:40


Bird Photos

I've attached photos of my cockatiel just wondering if you can help determine its gender. He is still a baby bird about 10-11 weeks old. He whistles a fair bit when seeking attention and when alone in the room, he also squeaks when approached by people and want attention.

Thank you for your help,  


Your cockatiel is considered a "light" pied, which simply means that the pied or yellow feathers are lightly dispersed.  A heavy pied would have more yellow feathering.

There is no way to determine gender in a pied cockatiel other than blood sexing or behavioral sexing.  If your cockatiel whistles tunefully (not just squeaks), chatters, rubs its bottom on things, and struts around the cage, it is probably a male.  If it only whistles one or two notes, sits still more often than not, squeaks lighly when you pat her back, and is generally quiet most of the time, it is probably a female.
