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Lovebird egg!!

22 17:38:30

Hi! My lovebirds have one egg, I dont know if there are going to be more or even if it's fertile. I AM wondering though if the egg can be moved around the nesting box by me because the egg is sitting on hard wood(the box), it seems they put the nesting material aside, like all in one corner of the box, and I'm worried that will damage the babies feet in case the egg is fertile and it hatches; but I don't want to touch anything if I'm not supposed to. Thanks for your help

Are you planning to have your Lovebirds raise a family?

You can tell if the eggs are fertile by putting them over a flashlight and if you can see vains, its fertile.

I am not an expert in Lovebirds so you will need to call your local vet for correct answers.

I don't want to end up giving you wrong advise.