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how my cockatiel bald can be closed

22 17:49:46

Kindly let me know how my cockatiel bald can be closed.
Any aditional vitamins or....? kindly guide me.

Hello again Vijay.
Where is the baldness on the cockatiel, and what kind of cockatiel is it?  If it's a Lutino, and the baldness is behind the crest, then that's a heridity issue and there's nothing that can be done for it.  
If the baldness is around the neck, wings, chest areas, then your bird is probably plucking it's own feathers out.  There are many reasons that birds do this, one of which is from not being mentally stimulated enough (boredom).  Other things that can cause this are also diet, and environment.  Is ther something in the air that would irritate your bird's skin? Scented candles, hair sprays, cleaning solutions, perfumes, room fresheners, and so on can contribute to irritating your bird's skin.

Good luck and God Bless.