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Turkey Attacks Turkey

22 17:41:16

I live on a farm in Arkansas, USA.  We had two turkeys who ranged freely together and with chickens and roosters.  We are unsure of the sex of the younger turkey, but we are pretty sure he's a male and we do know that he is just around 1 year old.  Although he is a barnyard animal, he is kind of our pet.  The older male turkey attacked the younger one about a week ago.  After attacking him (or her), he pecked it almost to death.  It would have been to death had we not intervened.  His "meat" and fat are visible.  He smells of death.  It is horrible.  We have sequestered the victim, and he will drink water and eat corn if we put it right in front of him, but he does not want to walk.  Do you have any idea how we can help this turkey heal?  If this one "stumps" you, it's okay.  I'll still give you a positive feedback if you will just try to answer it or give me some guesses.  I don't even know who to begin to ask, so I'm kind of desperate.

He will need an antibiotic injection to stop him getting infected, try and get your vet to give him one. Also, if he is not too stressed, try to bathe him in an anti septic solution. For my birds I just use salt water, warm. Try to keep him warm and dry and tempt him to eat with lots of lovely food like dark greens such as spinach and also things like raisins and dried apricots. This good food will help the healing process too.

Good luck :)