Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Birds General > lovebird


22 17:41:16

QUESTION: My male lovebird has started to pull the feathers from his neck. He's usually a very playful bird, but is acting strange.

ANSWER: Hi, Cindy,

I would need more information/details about what is going on in order to help.

Does the male have a mate or is this bird housed with other birds in the same cage?  When you say "neck," please explain exactly the location, back of neck, front, sides?  Has there been any changes recently, i.e., cage location changed, new person in home, someone leave, remodeling work, new furniture, furniture rearranged, new pet(s), etc.?  Does your bird bathe?  What type of diet?  

Since it's the beginning of breeding season, your male might be frustrated with hormones raging, there could be a medical reason for the plucking, it could be a dietary problem, if your bird doesn't bathe enough, if your home is too dry this time of year.  If there is no medical may need to take the bird to a certified avian vet for a medical checkup...then the plucking is being caused by something else. Trying to determine this "something else" can be difficult.  You need to think back to when the plucking started and what might have been going on in your bird's life at that time and what changed.  If it's dietary, your bird needs a better diet.  Another bird could be plucking this male if there are other birds involved (there's certain areas of a bird's body it cannot pluck itself).


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks Chrys,
My lovebird is 6 years old and has a mate. They've been together since they were babies. We put a space heater near their cage a few weeks ago to keep them warm. Could it be that? I can't think of anything else that has changed.

Hi again, Cindy,

I really need for you to answer my other questions so I can have a better picture of what might be going on.

It could be the female is overpreening the male, but location of the feather loss would be helpful in order to determine this.  Could be the space heater, but could also be diet, lack of bathing, vitamin/mineral deficiencies, lack of enough humidity, etc.
