Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Birds General > Robin


23 9:31:20

There's a bird nest in my backyard, and they've all been acting normally until yesterday. The mother bird started picking at one of the little birds in the nest, and then threw it out. Then earlier today it happened again. We are trying to save the one that dropped the second day, so we put it in something like a shoebox with newspaper shreds, and we're trying to feed it sugar water. Are we doing the right thing? And perhaps do you know why the mother bird is throwing out it's own young ones?

I can't tell you why the mother might be kicking the babies out of the nest, however you need to get this baby bird to a wildlife rehabilitation facility ASAP.

You can call your local humane society or animal control facility for recommendations.

I would not try to feed the bird anything, sometimes trying to hand-fed a baby (by someone who is inexperienced) can cause more harm than good. Also- plain water would be better than sugar water.

I hope this helps, and good luck with this little one!
