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weaning a jenday conure

22 17:59:01

Greetings! We have an 3 and a half month old jenday conure. We have had it for 2 weeks. It is very friendly and has been a nice addition to our family. Our Vet gave our bird a clean bill of health, but thought it should have been weaned prior to coming into our care. We have started the weaning process with some success. Every thing I've read says that we are behind. Will weaning this bird this late cause any problems? Is there anything special that we should to to help the bird and.or speed up the process? Thanks,


Hello Amy and thank you for your post.
Yes, your bird is being weaned late, but there is really no way speed up the process.  I don't think that there'll be any problems, just wean him normally.  The only problem that I can think of is that he is more trusting of people than a bird that has been weaned on time would be.

Please keep me updated.

Good luck and God Bless.