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Biting Birdie

22 17:48:13

I have a dutch blue lovebird that is just over 1 year old.  I know it is a female because it laid a couple of eggs (each about a month apart).  Eggs are unfertilized as I only have one bird.  For the most part Patxi is friendly, only occasionally nipping.  When she did that I would put her back in the cage like a time out.  Maybe that's exactly where she wanted to go...back to her cage.  Lately she is becoming ferocious when I put my hand to get her.  I think she may want a mate.  She stays in the same corner of the cage and rubs her beak back and forth on the cage while trying to bite me.  She also is biting her own feet (seems a light bite).  She also moves in that corner like an acrobat trying to do a rollover and rubs her head on the bottom of the water bin and cage walls.  Am I right about her?  Is this mating season and will this pass?  Could it be hormonal.  Thanks for your help.

Hello, this is all very normal and is indeed breeding beahvier of a hen may or may not pass alot female birds will get nasty and stay that way I speak from past experiance with budgies/cocaktiels and my female lovebirds are getting very nippy lately I bealive they are just coming of breeding age.