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Unfertlized eggs

22 17:48:12

Hi my name is brun and I live In Orlando, FL. and i have 3 pairs cockatiels in the backyard, insid a pretty big cage.

I know you are not a cockatiel expert, but i really want to know whats the problem.

The problem is the the female cockatiels are laying eggs and all, but the make male cockatiels are not doing their part, or at least i dont see them doing their part. therefore the eggs are not fertilized and will not develop into birds.

Thank you in Advance


As pointed out in your question. I'm not a cockatiel expert, but ....

The big cage helps, but you should try and look what pair is most likely to be a pair and set that pair apart and let them done their thing.

Two options are setting the two other pairs in a small cage or set one pair in a smaller cage.
Or split the big cage is two or three parts.
I don't have the info what is possible.

I hope this is helpful.