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Throwing up?

22 17:54:35

my parakeet Bloo, is the best pet ever! She is very attached to me, and follows me wherever I go. One night when I was holding her, her head started bobbing like she was going to throw up, and she kept opening her mouth. Finally, some seeds fell out of her mouth. I am so scared that she's sick or something. Do bird throw up? Or is that just natural?

Hi, Hannah.  Thanks for posting!

Yes, birds do throw up.  However, they can "throw up" or "regurgitate" for different reasons and you need to understand the difference in order to know how to handle.

When a bird is bonded to it's human owner, some birds show their affection/love for their human by regurgitating to their human, similar to how they would regurgitate to their mate.

When a bird throws up undigested seed, this can mean a bird has a health issue.

Is your bird regurgitating as in showing affection or is your bird throwing up undigested seed?  You need to determine which this is by looking very closely at what the bird is throwing up and by observing your bird's behavior.  From your post, I'd say your bird is showing affection, but you are there and I'm here and I can't observe all that's going on with your bird.
