Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Birds > Birds General > Budgie wont play with his swing?

Budgie wont play with his swing?

22 17:36:24

Hi there!
I've had my budgie for about 4-5 years, and I just recently bought her a new swing.
It has a metal frame in the shape of a pentagon, and the perch on it is wood.
Chippie has been interested in her other toys (mirror, fake budgie etc) But she just doesnt seem to want to hop on this swing!
Is there some way I can encourage her onto it? I've tried putting millet spray on it, but there was not much result.
Any ideas or do I just need to give her time?

Well sometimes it just takes time for them to get used to new things in their cage, usually their apprehension of new toys will pass, however I haven't had much luck with birds liking perches that do not connect to the cage with two clasps.....they seem to much prefer these perches; especially the keets.

Here is a link to one of m favorite swings, all of the birds in my rescue love them, and they are good for beak and nail trimming as well! (Just cut and paste the link into your browser window)