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parakeet beak discoloration

22 17:37:14

I have two male parakeets, both about two and a half years old, and I've
noticed some discoloration on their beaks. It's strange, because the
discoloration seems to have come about suddenly, and on both of them at
once. I'm wondering if this is something I should worry about? I looked in
some parakeet books I own, and none of them said anything about it, but a
few of the parakeets in the pictures had similar markings. Is this something
that they just get as they get older?

I can't get you a photo, but here's a drawing to give you an idea. As you can
see, they have different shapes and colors - the one on the white bird is sort
of greenish-brown and the one on the blue bird is more brown with a bit of
purplish. The birds don't seem to be in pain


Thank you! - Katie

Hi, Katie,

I really don't think you have anything to worry about.  I can't seem to be able to find the drawing.  The coloration of a beak can change mainly in the upper half of the beak and can be caused by diet, hormonal changes, could be bruised from perhaps hitting the beak too hard on something in the cage (beaks have blood supply to them), etc.  As long as there isn't any flaking, part of the beak falling off, or changes such as these, and as long as your birds are acting normally, your birds should be fine.    
