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splay leg(or whatever its called)

22 17:58:45

Hi..we are new to owning pigeons..we have Old Fashioned Frill Satinettes.  They are beautiful.  They laid 2 eggs and only one made it.  I read that they get this condition because of slipping in the cage ..I feel really one told us to put anything grippy in there for him.  Is there anything that we can do to help it at all.  it is 2 weeks old...The parents are still feeding it, and it is really cute now, but they just laid another egg.  I also don't want them to neglect this one..Whe should they be able to eat on their own...?  Please help..I feel so bad about the leg that I could just cry..

Hello Bonnie and thank you for your post.
I'm sending you a few sites that have information on Splay Leg. One of the links is from one of the other experts here.  I have read it, and I do still referrence it quite a bit as it is very informative.  I have never, personally had to deal with Splay Leg, nor have I personally seen it, but I do not think that it is too late for this little one.
The baby should also start to eat on it's own at about 6-8 weeks of age, although the parents may still feed it some.  It all depends on the parents and if THEY feel it's ready to do so.

Good luck and God Bless.