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Cocktiel Sickness

22 17:46:33

Hello, I have some questions regarding my cockatiels' health. I had flu a couple of weeks ago and I knew that I shouldn't go into my birds' room. But I did; I had to since I was the only one changing their food plus their water(and even their newspapers on the floor). I also coughed sometimes in there.

So, after a few days, I noticed that some of my cockatiels started sneezing. At first it was just 1 and I thought that it was nothing. Then, more birds started to sneeze. So, I removed the sneezing birds and put them in another room. Even after I removed the sneezing birds, the other birds started to sneeze. I didn't have flu then when the other birds started to sneeze. Now, some of the birds have started to have a lot of water in their feces. And sometimes all they let go is water.

Is this something serious? I cannot contact a vet. Is there anything I can do to help them? Will type be alright after a couple of weeks or so? I also drop vitamins drops in their water so that it can give them some vitamins.


Hello Aamir,

Your birds need medical attention. Only an avian veterinarian can provide proper diagnosis and care. If you are unable to provide this basic care for your birds then I recommend that you find someone who can - a shelter or parrot rescue.
