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Cockatiel termperature ranges

22 17:59:11

We live in Florida and our Cockatiel, Nate, and a Keet (in separate cages)
reside in our sun room.  My wife and I generally tend to keep the house cool.  
By that I mean in the mid 70's during the day and allow it to dip to the mid to
high 60's in the evening.  The sun room can get up to around 90 during the
early afternoon and both birds always have a shade area so they can get out
of direct sunlight.   The sun room can get down into the mid to high 60's at
night during this time of the year.   We do have a couple of halogen desk
lamps that we have put by the cage to provide warmth if the house gets really
cool and Nate seems to enjoy that.
    Should we change anything regarding the temperature or is the fluctuation  
within their normal living parameters?
    Thanks in advance for your insights and advice.  Steve

Hi Steve,

I wouldn't worry about the temperatures you are referring to. Usually I recommend that birds be kept in an environment that doesn't get below 60 degrees F, and preferably not above 90 degrees F. However, sometimes during the summer is can get over 90 or 95... so to help them during this time you can offer them a shallow bowl or pan of water to bathe in... and you can also have a fan near their cage set on low, and/or mist them with plan water from a spray bottle. (mist them gentle- allow the water to fall on them like rain).

I hope this helps. And helps you rest assured that it sounds like your birds will be doing just fine in that environment.
