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hand taming my two parakeets

22 17:39:56

I have two parakeets.One is a year old,and the other one is much older.I have had both of them for about a year.They're still afraid of my hands.I have been really working with them the last two weeks but they are still afraid. When I put my hands in their cage, they are hesitant. What should I do?

Hi, Hannah,

I found your question in the question pool this morning.

Untame birds are usually afraid of people's hands.  It will most likely take much more time to hand tame your keets since it sounds like they have not been tame in the past.  Some untame birds never become tame.  It takes much time, dedication, and cooperation on the part of the birds, and you have to know what you are doing as well.  Two weeks is not enough time.  You have to devote some amount of time every day for however long it takes.  Since birds prefer other birds to humans, they may never become tame enough to handle.

A bird's cage is it's personal territory, it's safety zone, the only place in the world they can call their own.  Allow your birds to come out of their cage on their own before you try to work with them.  When you put your hand inside their cage, they may think you are trying to "corner" them.  Your goal is to build trust with your birds.  Do not do anything to frighten them, scare them, etc.  Try to get them used to your fingers/hand by handfeeding them through the cage bars at first.  You have to teach them that your hands/fingers will not harm them.  Once you have reached this goal, you can proceed.  Some parrots (your keets are parrots) never like hands/fingers.  I've had some of my parrots for 20 years and some of them still do not like hands/fingers.  They aren't afraid of me, but they just don't like hands/fingers!  It may be something that happened to them when they were babies.  Be patient and spend some time with them each every day.  You may have to work with each one individually.

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